Our phone number: RO: 0040768907917

                                   Contact e-mail: contact@rccagrodk.com

                                   Website address: www.RCCAgroDK.com

Agro Advice
Contact us and we will offer you all the informations that you need. If we decide to collaborate, we will search the best solution for you.

"We match employers to employees and employees to employers."

Infomunca.ro - locuri de munca in tara si strainatate
Agro Advice

RCCAGRODK  offers:
I.  Legal  Advice:

1.  through  effective  involvement,  as  mediator  in  case  of  contractual  problems  between  employer  and  employee.
2.  through  effective  involvement  in  all  matters  arising  between  the  new  employee  and  Danish  authorities  ,  especially  with  skat  department.
-  Amounts  paid  to  resolve  situations  arising  between  the  employee  and  danish  authorities,shall  agree  between  RCCAGRODK  and  recipient,  depending  on  the  complexity  of  the  case.

II.  Agricultural  consulting:

-  For  Romanian  and  Danish  farmers,  who  own  pigs  farms,  when  they  meet  difficulties  in  the  technological  flow.
-  Credibility  of  the  advice  given,  is  based  on  about  10  years  experience  gained  in  the  field  of  livestock.  Experience  in  the  field  of  livestock  is  as  follows:
a)  -  the  last  five  years    working  with  pigs.
b)  -  between:2000-2005  working  with  fish.

III.  Team  building  in  the  field  of  agricultural  business:

    -  Improving  performances  in  the  company,  by  proposing  ingenious  solutions  regarding:
1  -  organizing  the  team.
2  -  efficient  use  of  working  time.
3  -  total  or  partial  reconstruction  plan  of  the  company,  etc.