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Infomunca.ro - locuri de munca in tara si strainatate
Job Category: Agriculture
Company: MH-1
Location: Stokkemarke
Experience Necessary: Without experience
Driver Licenses Necessary: Yes
Atributions: wanted: man between 20-32 years old, good english,with driver licence . Responsibilities: take care of piglets and sows, participation depending on the work plan from the farm to other activities such as: artificial insemination, vaccinations, treatments, washing, animal delivery ,castration, work in the field, etc.
Transport Included: No
Hosting Included: Yes
If Included, Charge is: 1000kr/month/person with all the utilities and internet included.You have to pay 2000 kr in deposit for accommodation.
Salary offered: Salary:---in the first six months of the contract: - gross salary = 11.021 DKK minus 8-25% tax, result a net salary of approx. 8100 danish kroner (about: 1000 to 1100 euro).---After seven months of the contract the gross wage scala increase to: 12.784 danish kroner, minus tax (tax maybe vary), resulting a net salary of approx. 9000 danish kroner (about:1150 to 1250 Euro)--- This salary wage scala is for 160 hours worked per month---Overtime is paid in about: 90kr/hour brutto.
Company Description: Pigs farm with: 650 sows, 140 ha of land and modern agricultural machinery. Farmer age: 41 years old. Number of employees: 2. Accommodation: you will have a pavilion for 1000 kr/month/person with all the utilities included.You have to pay 2000 kr in deposit for house. Distance between accommodation and the farm is: 100 m.
Apply NOW! (only 12 € all taxes included !)